41 research outputs found

    Inventory Automation Using RFID Technology in Romaster Engenharia

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    The inventory of assets is something common and very common in companies annually or even every semester, it is an essential factor for a large and medium-sized company. The large number and degree of complexity of the assets that a company has directly affects the difficulty of managing these assets and, of course, the definition of an accurate inventory. We are talking about a large amount of assets, not just to be on paper and registering one at a time takes a long time, so the idea of our article was to automate all the company\u27s assets (Romaster) by tags, and install antennas at points strategic to make an accurate reading of the company\u27s assets, thus optimizing the inventory time. This technology has existed since the last century, used for the most diverse purposes, but now inserted in the inventory management of the Romaster company

    Mobile Application for Gas Prices and Locations Inquiry in Manaus Amazonas

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    The original features the prototype of an application that allows drivers to locate and compare fuel prices in the city of Manaus. Regarding the applied methodology approaches, this research is quantitative, field, survey and applied. It uses data and statistics from national surveys with population indices. It also brings data from an online questionnaire to measure drivers\u27 opinions and information about the context of Manaus in relation to the stations. After analysis, it is noted that the application that helps drivers is not only necessary in a city with more and more vehicles as well accepted by potential users

    Comparative Analysis Between Native and Hybrid Mobile Applications

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    With the growth of technology in the mobile area, the app market has been bringing solutions to many problems and making life easier for many people, whether in the business, technology, administrative and many others. It is necessary to understand that to build an app, there are many technologies for different purposes, and developers need to know which one is best applied in every situation. Therefore, the objective of this research is to bring an analysis about the native and hybrid development, showing its main features and information regarding the usability and functionality of two existing applications, which were built within the standards of each tool, based on two features of ISO / IEC 25010: 2011 regarding Software Product Quality. An exploratory research was conducted to bring comparative data regarding applications, and based on the results obtained, it was observed that it is possible to develop similar applications in interface, quality and functionality, even if they are built with different technologies. As a result, native technology is often used to build more robust functionality-based applications that follow the interface standard of each platform, and hybrids are a lower-cost alternative, as well as fact that its source code is fully reusable for use on other platforms

    Intelligent Automation System in Asset Safety Using Household

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    This article describes the main stages of a project used in Home Automation (Home Automation), highlighting many general aspects about advantages and disadvantages of investing in this automation, costs and availability. The forms, propositions and compositions are also exposed for a Home Automation System to work in a pleasant way that can meet the needs and demand of a demanding emerging market. The illustrations in the course of the article proved to be not so simple to program. There is a need to find qualified professionals in the area of home automation for the complete fluidity of the project. A complete model is proposed where the main difficulties are highlighted and resolved

    Optimization and cost reduction with performance improvements on web pages

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    Comparison between websites to improve their performance and optimization. Applied bibliographic research to understand and survey the concepts applied at work, adopting quantitative research through a questionnaire aimed at random audiences, documentary research to support important information on websites, informal magazines and descriptive research to analyze the effect of this study based on in the information presented. Five sites were adopted, one of which is a previous version and the other is a current one, with different characteristics to check its performance and optimization on the web. As explained, it was possible to verify the bottlenecks regarding the performance and optimization of the websites. With the applications of the necessary tools it was possible to improve the performance of the sites and with that the loading of the page became faster due to the compression in the loading of the images and also in the use of JavaScript, Css and Html. With the tools properly presented to improve performance and optimization, it is prominent to express the due improvements of the sites used in everyday life

    Development of a Mobile Application for Blood Donation Management

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    The creation of an application that deals with blood donation in order to facilitate knowledge about the act to its users, whether they are donors or not. Although the blood donation rate in Brazil is stable, there is always a search for ways to increase this incentive for donors to stay at or improve this level. Through a qualitative research, it was determined a knowledge of possible donors, their characteristics and limitations to donate and the benefits presented to both, the patient and the donor. The prototype presents the registration screen, information about benefits and general information about updating the registration, scheduling possible donations and how the process works. It has been found that most people have a certain fear about donating blood, as they are unaware of how the process works, and are supposed to cause some kind of harm to their body

    5G Technology Analysis in Relation to Electromagnetic Waves

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    Electromagnetic waves are present in most of the main equipment used by humans. The advancement of 5G mobile network technology has been gaining ground in the telecommunications market and with it both positive and potentially negative consequences as it is used. Fundamental research has been conducted to gain knowledge and familiarity with 5G technology, how it works and its millimeter waves, which is a new range of the electromagnetic spectrum, which works with this new very high frequency and the first time used in technology. mobile network, as well as exploratory research through techniques such as bibliographic surveys in search of data such as frequency, related to 5G and the equipment transmitting electromagnetic waves, and conducting a comparative study to determine through the data collected from both , pointing out studies that present the evils that may cause the human being due to the use of high frequency. According to the results obtained on the 5G, the use of mobile network frequency presents no risks compared to other equipment that humans have been using. Therefore, despite the research results, it is still too early to point out possible damage over the years with the use of this technology, not ruling out possible consequences

    Management in Production of Fish Farming Using Arduino

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    Monitoring of indicators in fish farming is an essential factor for profitable production, the more intense the production system is, the more important monitoring becomes. In the methodology, a bibliographic research was performed and an exploratory research was used to implement a prototype using arduino and monitoring sensors. The goal was to develop a system that assists the management of fish farms, ensuring the accuracy of monitored data, the quality of production and cost savings for the fish farmer. The project has a low implementation cost, provides more convenience in the management of fish ponds and contributes to the reduction of inputs during production, generating a greater profit for the fish farmer

    Application of BYOD in digital inclusion in the elderly municipal park - Doctor Thomas

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    One of the biggest challenges today faced by people over 60 years of age is technological news, these people nowadays feel more alone than in the past, family members seem more distant and less attentive to their elderly, because most of the day they stay connected even at meals at home, meanwhile, their elderly are without communication or even without attention. The idea is not only to introduce the elderly to technologies, but also how to make this transition from the real world to the digital one, in a way that does not cause even a trauma, as most of them are unable to keep up with these technological changes. The elderly inclusion project using the BYOD methodology in the Municipal Park for the Elderly was motivated due to having the highest concentration of elderly people in the state practicing some activity in order to fill this time gap, working mind and body. The idea of using the BYOD methodology, is that today the Park\u27s technological equipment is mostly gone and the few that exist are broken or outdated, and the institution does not have more funds to renovate its computer lab, with that, the main objective of our article is to make digital inclusion using the personal technological equipment of the elderly in a place with comfort and tranquility

    Mobile App Interface Development for Tourism

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    This article aims to present the development of the interface creation process for a tourism application that works from a map, presenting several routes. Based on the usability principles, a scientific investigation was developed about the idea, the target audience to be served and the flow of screens. As a result, we obtained simple screens that were designed so that the user took as few steps as possible to reach his goal, making it easier to use and understand with the application. In conclusion, it was possible, putting into practice principles of usability and user experience, to obtain a satisfactory interface that fulfills its function